

The proceedings contain more than 30 contributions made by researchers home and abroad at the 12th International Conference on the History of Science in China(ICHSC).Discussed are the following top...
  • 所属分类:图书 >自然科学>科技史  
  • 作者:[廖育群]等
  • 产品参数:
  • 丛书名:--
  • 国际刊号:9787030349521
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-07
  • 印刷时间:2012-07-01
  • 版次:1
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:--
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 包装:精装
  • 套装:


The proceedings contain more than 30 contributions made by researchers home and abroad at the 12th International Conference on the History of Science in China(ICHSC).Discussed are the following topics:①Cross-cultural transmission and comparative studies in science and technology;②Studies in ancient Chinese literature concerning science,technology and medicine;③Traditional technology and non-material heritages in the world.A number of fields are covered,e.g.the history of science,technology,medicine,agriculture and traditional technology.The research perspectives include history,culture,philosophy,sociology,anthropology,archeology,and ecology.





Standing Firm at Thirty:in Celebration to the 30th Anniversary of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology Liu Dun

Disciplinary Development of the History of Science and Technology in China Yuan Jiangyang

Conference Address Roshdi Rashed

History of Science at the Beginning of the 21th Century Roshdi Rashed

Configurations Versus Equations:A Notational Difference Chen(Joseph)Cheng-Yih

Zhu Shijie's Method of "Four Unknowns" as Inspiration for Wu Wen-Tsun Jiri Hudecek

The Combination of Mathematics and Music?The Comparative Study of the Origin of the Calculation of Pitch in Ancient China and GreeceLiu Yaya

Pythagoreanism in Edo—From ARAI Hakuseki to SAKUMA Shōzan Chikara SASAKI

Algorithm and Principles of Division of Fractions in Chinese Ancient Literature Sun Xuhua

An Exploration of the Original Sources of Lvlv Zuanyao Wang Bing

On Delisle's Correspondence to and from China Through the Archives of the Paris Observatory Suzanne D?BARBAT

The Transmission of Western Astrolabe in Late Medieval China Fung Kam-Wing

Theories of Solar Motion in Chongzhen Lishu,Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng and Lixiang Kao-cheng Houbian Lu Dalong

The Vacancy of Error Ideas about the Calculation of the Chinese Traditional Calendar Wang Yumin

Tentative Discussion on E.Diaz and the Influence of Tianwenlue on the Chinese Astro-nomy Yao Licheng

An New Explorations of the Origin of Chinese Alchemy Han Jishao

The Making of Quanti Xinlun Chan Man Sing Law Yuen Mei

The Jesuit Jo?o de Loureiro(1717-1791)and the Medicinal Plants of China Manuel S.Pinto Wang Bing No?l Golvers et al

The Feuds of the Medical Sects in Republic of China and Colonial Modernity Xia Yuanyuan

Investigation on Traditional Spinning Wheels and Looms in Ze Zhou Region Lu Wei Yang Xiaoming

Titles and Classifications of the Ancient Artisans in Dunhuang Wang Jingyu

Guo Songtao and the Western Telegram Civilization Xia Weiqi

On the Manufacturing Technology of Traditional Curved-Beam Plough in China Feng Lisheng Huang Xing

Study on Indigenous Sugar-making Technology in Naman Tun of Daxin County Liu Anding

British Iron and Steel Technology's Transfer in Early Modern East Asia:The Case of Qingxi Iron Works,China and Kamaishi Iron Works,Japan Fang Yibing

How the Government Deal with the Drought from 989 AD to 992 AD in the Northern Song Dynasty Dong Yuyu

Technologized Science:Representational Theories vs.Epistemological Engines Byron Kaldis

A Shift in Interests to Science and Technology in the 11th China Su Zhan

Traditional Chinese Science Among Vietnamese Minorities:Preliminary Results Alexei VOLKOV

First Steps of Russian-Chinese Scientific Cooperation Contacts:Pyotr Kozlov's Visit to Beijing in 1925 Tatyana Yusupova

Negative Effects of Patent on Technological Development:The Perspective of the The-ory of Modern Technological Process Zhang Gaizhen

The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the History of Science in China


Standing Firm at Thirty: in Celebration to the 30th

Anniversary of Chinese Society for the History of

Science and Technology

Liu Dun



刘 钝



今年是中国科学技术史学会的而立之年。30 年前的10 月6 日, 在中国科学技术协会

和中国科学院的大力支持下, 来自全国各地的科学史工作者247 名, 聚集北京, 成立了中

国科学技术史学会(Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, 以下简称

"学会")。那天的开幕式是一个高规格的学术集会, 作为一只脚还在门槛外的1978 级科学

史专业研究生, 我有幸窥见了当时的盛况。钱三强、茅以升、李昌、于光远、钱临照等科

技界的重要人物亲临致辞; 夏鼐、白寿彝等文史巨擘到场祝贺, 时任中国史学会执行主席

的周谷城与国内众多学术单位发来了贺电。这种热闹景象今日已难再现, 它是在那个特殊


会议期间, 与会者采取自愿申请的方式, 每人填表一张, 交入会费一元, 经主席团审批通

过, 就构成了学会的及时批会员。

10 年前, 在庆祝中国科学技术史学会成立20 周年之际, 时任学会理事长之一的席泽

宗先生写过一篇纪念文章[1] ; 5 年之后, 当时的学会秘书长韩健平等也发表了一文, 对有

关进展作了补充[2] 。今天, 我受学会领导和第12 届中国科学史国际会议组织者的委托,

与在座的各位一道, 回顾学会30 年的光荣历史, 分享它的成长历程。因为有上述两篇文

章可供参阅, 最近5 年来的学会工作将是我报告的重点。


中国科学技术史学会是由中国科技史工作者自愿组织起来, 依法登记的全国性、学术

性的非政府组织, 是中国科学技术协会下属的一级团体会员。它也是国际科学技术史学会

的49 个国家(或地区) 会员之一, 是中国科学史家在国际科学史界的正式代表。

学会的较高决策机构是全国代表大会, 每三至四年召开一次。自19




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