My Dad/My Mum图书

My Dad/My Mum

安东尼布朗 廖彩杏书单 亲子阅读 大开本购书后关注微信公众号:HuayanEnglish 获取音频


My Dad《我爸爸》可以说是安东尼 布朗对所有父亲的献礼,在这本幽默的图画书里,透过孩子夸张的幻想,塑造了一个让人笑破肚皮的爸爸形象:这个爸爸24小时到晚穿着一件长长的睡衣,他不怕狼,一跳就可以跳过月亮,吃得像马一样多,游得像鱼一样灵活。

He’s all right, my dad. He’s as strong as a gorilla and happy as a hippopotamus. He’s a great dancer, a brilliant singer, he’s fantastic at football and he makes me laugh. A lot. But that’s not all that’s great about my dad.

My Mum《我妈妈》每一个孩子心中的妈妈都是很好的。我妈妈是一个很棒的厨师;她是一个神奇的化妆师;她是全世界非常强壮的女人;她还是一个奇异的园艺师,可以让任何植物生长;她是一个仙女,在我沮丧的时候她总是有办法让我开心起来;她的歌可以唱得像天使一样好;她吼起来像一头狮子;我的妈妈像蝴蝶一样漂亮,又舒适的像一个扶手沙发……她常常逗我大笑。我爱我妈妈,而且你知道吗,妈妈也爱我,而且会永远爱我。

She’s nice, my mum… My mum’s a fantastic cook, and a brilliant juggler. She’s a great painter, and the strongest woman in the world! She’s really nice, my mum.


安东尼 布朗,国际安徒生大奖和英国格林纳威大奖获得者,被英国《卫报》誉为“天才”画家。其创作的经典绘本My Dad《我爸爸》和My Mum《我妈妈》是对所有爸爸妈妈的献礼,每一个看过《我爸爸》和《我妈妈》的孩子和父母都喜欢这样的爸爸妈妈,正如英国《妇女界》称许道“全天下的父母和孩子都会爱上它”。本套书为英文版,适合爸爸妈妈念给宝宝听,也适合3岁以上有一定英语基础的孩子自主阅读。






A warm, hilarious, witty and very personal tribute to Dad and Mum (and to dads and mums everywhere) by the ever-brilliant and inventive Anthony Browne.

A book for sons and daughters of all ages—especially for dads and mums.


“The pictures are extraordinary and unforgettable and celebrate dads in a way few books do” —INDEPENDENT

“Genius” —GUARDIAN

“It’s humorous and charming. Dads and kids alike will love it” —WOMAN’S OWN

“A sweet ode to boyhood” —JUNIOR

“Small children will love Mum, and so will parents” —INDEPENDENT

“Anthony Browne is one of the most talented artists working in children’s books today”—Parents Magazine

“Each spread is a perfectly conceived whole, each picture demanding endless scrutiny... Original, unexpected, funny and typically Browne.”-- Julia Eccleshare, Guardian

“The pictures are a delight, an easy function of the ordinary with the surreal, painted with clear-eyed detail. Very witty, very true. Small children will love Mum and so will parents.” --Sally Williams, Independent


Anthony Browne安东尼 布朗,英国绘本大师,曾获得凯特 格林纳威奖、科特 马希拉奖、国际安徒生插画奖,其作品先后被译成十四种文字出版,代表作有Gorilla《大猩猩》、Zoo《动物园的24小时》、My Dad《我爸爸》和My Mum《我妈妈》。

Anthony Browne is the acclaimed author and illustrator of such prize-winning bestsellers as Gorilla (winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Kurt Maschler Award), Willy the Wimp and Zoo (winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal). Voices in the Park won the 1998 Kurt Maschler Award and was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal. Anthony was also the winner of the 2000 Hans Christian Andersen Award for Illustration, and was the Children’s Laureate from 2009 to 2011.


