Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005 数据库基础:由入门到精通(英文版)图书

Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005 数据库基础:由入门到精通(英文版)

The book readers can easily self-SQL Server 2005 based technology, from database design, build, to test configuration, each one of the steps the reader with practical guidance and help. Through the...


The book readers can easily self-SQL Server 2005 based technology, from database design, build, to test configuration, each one of the steps the reader with practical guidance and help. Through the book, readers can fully experience learning-by-doing the fun the successful creation of a truly personal first SQL Server 2005 database.


Get the guidance you need to start designing databases——one step at a time. with this practical tutorial, you'll teach yourself the core skills for building and managing databases with the next generation of SQL Server

Discover how to:

Install and configure SQL Server 2005

Design database conponents with SQL Server Management Studio

Apply a three-step modeling approach to design databases that meet business requirements

Create, modiry, and manage views

Write user-defined functions and stored procedures using T-SQL

Add, delete, and update information in your databases

Work with data from custom applications and legacy systems

Troubleshoot error messages and bandle exceptions




Part I Introduction to Database Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

1 Introducing Database Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

The Process of Storing and Managing Data

Intronducing Database Systems

Understanding the Requirements of a Database System

Defining the Architecture of a Database Application

Using a Monolithic Application with Data Embedded in the Application Code

Using a Monolithic Application with Data Stored in an External File

Using a Database Application with Data Managed by a Batabase Server

Using an Application with a Generic Data Access Layer

Using an Application with Separated Presentation,Business,and Data Access Layers

Using a Complex Application with Multiple Options for each Layer Conclusion

2 Installing and Setting Up Your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Development Environment

Using a Virtual PC

Operating System Rquirements for Development of SQL Server Database Applications

Recommended Productivity Tools

Using Performance Monitor

Using Network Monitor

Using Upgrade Advisor

Recommended Development Tools

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Editions

Microsoft SQL Server express Edition

Microsoft SQL Server Workgroup Edition

Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition

Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition

Installing SQL Server 2005

Using the Surface Area Configuration Tool


Chapter2 Quick Reference

3 Reviewing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Tools

Part II How to Create a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database

4 Gathering and Understanding Business Requirements before Creating Database Objects

5 Designing a Database to Solve Business Needs

Part III How to Query Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005

6 Reading Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data from Client Applications

7 Selecting the Data You Need

8 Creating Views to Encapsulate Queries

9 Retrieving Data Using Programmable Objects

Part IV How to Modify Data in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

10 Inserting Data in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

11 Deleting Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005

12 Updating Data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005



