1. Composition and Compositions
2. Purpose of This Book
3. Your Advantage
4. Your Special Difficulties
5. Rhetoric
6. Materials
7. One Side or Two Sides?
8. Margins
9. Spacing
10. Titles
11. Paging
12. Folding
13. Endorsing
14. Spelling
15. Syllabication
16. Underlining
17. Italics
18. Omissions, Corrections, and Insertions
19. A Warning
20. Something to Say
21. How to Say It
22. A Consolation
23. Others May Have Said It before You
24. What to Read
25. How to Read
26. Some Dictionaries Recommended
27. Self-cultivation
28. Writing from Memory
29. Imitation, Conscious and Unconscious
30. Reading Dictionaries
31. Expressing Another Person`s Thoughts
32. Paraphrasing Sentences
33. Suggestions for Paraphrasing
34. Paraphrasing Paragraphs
35. Paraphrasing Verse
36. Condensing
37. Various Degrees of Condensation
38. Suggestions for Condensing
39. Using Materia1 in Han
40. Expressing Your Own Thoughts
41. Keeping a Diary
42. Choosing a Subject
43. Choosing a Title
44. Taking Notes
45. Making an Outline
46. Note-taking and Outline-making in the Head
47. Making Outlines of What You Read
48. Expanding an Outline
49. Practice in Composition
50. What is Correct English?
51. Usage
52. Present-day Usage
53. Neologisms
54. English and American Usage
55. Good Usage
56. Expressions Outside of Good Usage
57. Colloquialisms Etc in Written English
2. Purpose of this Book. This book is not confined to compositions in the narrower sense though these are by no means neglected. Nor does it claim to teach the writing of novels, short stories, dramas, poems, literary criticism, newspaper editorials, or scholarly treatises. It gives principles, suggestions, models, and exercises that will help you to express yourself well in English no matter what form of writing you may happen to do.
This book is written for you, who are supposed to be a Chinese student of English having a vocabulary of several thousand words and a fair knowledge of grammar, but having had little practice in writing, and even less in speaking, the language. From the use of this book you may expect to acquire the art of expression in English — on condition that you do all the exercises carefully, preferably under the guidance of a competent teacher, and act upon all the principles and suggestions as far as possible.
3. Your Advantage. As I have said in the above, you "are supposed to be a Chinese student of English ... having had little practice in writing, and even less in speaking the language". If you had been brought up in an English-speaking family, you would no doubt have more freedom of expression in the use of English than you have. But you have your advantage too. Just because you have not been brought up in an English-speaking family, you will be saved a great deal of trouble of trying to unlearn many errors and faults peculiar to those having been brought up on English. You are not, for instance, in the habit of using the notorious double negative, as in "I don`t know nothing about him", which many English-speaking children say when they ought to say "I know nothing about him" or "I don`t know anything about him".
Much of the material that is usually found in books of composition written for English-speaking students is therefore quite useless to you — perhaps as useless as any method of getting rid of the cigarette habit would be to non-smokers.
4. Your Special Difficulties. Being the kind of student you are, you have certain special difficulties in learning English composition. You are perhaps a better speller than the average English or American schoolboy is; you have perhaps had more practice in parsing and analysis than he has; you perhaps know a great many words that he does not know. But you find it much more difficult to express many common ideas and thoughts than he does; you are far less good at the use of many common words than he is; you may even make such ridiculous mistakes as he never dreams of.
A large part of this book is devoted to helping you to conquer these difficulties.
5. Rhetoric. The two words "and Rhetoric" might have been added to the title of this book. You would like to have them added, wouldn`t you? At any rate, you must not think that the high-sounding word "rhetoric" as used in the titles of so many American books of English composition has anything "deep" in it. In fact, it is practically equivalent to "composition" or "the art or practice of writing", as can be seen from the following definition of the term quoted from a very popular book of "Composition and Rhetoric": "Rhetoric consists of the study of the principles governing the clear, forceful, and elegant expression of thoughts". Such books, which are often called "rhetorics" (with the singular "a rhetoric") in America, do not teach anything that is not taught in those having only the more homely word "composition" in their titles.
If I have dropped the word "rhetoric" from the title of this book, however, it is not merely because the term would sound more or less like an Americanism or because it would not have much meaning. There are two other reasons. First, this book is not a formal treatise on rhetoric in the old-fashioned sense of the word: it does not make a parade of the many jaw-breaking rhetorical terms that are of little use except as an essential part of a knowledge of rhetoric, such as "asyndeton", "oxymoron", and "syllepsis". Secondly, this book abstains from advising the observance of many rules that exist only from a narrowly rhetorical point of view: it mentions some of them only to condemn them as superstitions, such as "A sentence should not begin with `and`" and "A sentence should not end with a preposition".
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