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Oxford Wordpower Dictionary 4th Edition《牛津英语词汇拓展词典》第四版共收录45000词条,内含16页“牛津写作导师”及标识清晰的“牛津3000”词汇,有助于提高学生的写作技巧,扩大词汇量及掌握重点词汇。牛津英语词汇拓展词典使用精简地道的英文解释和例句,并附加标明相关派生词、搭配、成语、近义词反义词、俚语等。较难的单词附有插图,帮助学生理解及拓展主题词汇。无论是出于学习、考试或是工作的需要,这本词典都是您扩大词汇量的不二之选。

Oxford Wordpower Dictionary develops your writing skills and builds your vocabulary. It helps you learn the most important words to know in English with the Oxford 3000TM keywords. Illustrations help you understand difficult words and extend your topic vocabulary. New notes and two free online practice tests prepare you for the Cambridge Exams: Preliminary and First.

New Oxford Writing Tutor shows you how to

plan, write and review essays, articles, reviews, letters and emails

Structure your work, using models provided

Choose the right language


Oxford Wordpower Dictionary 4th Edition《牛津英语词汇拓展词典》第四版入围英国文化协会20年度学习资源创新奖,适用于中级以上水平的英语学习者,帮助快速扩大英语词汇量,应对学术学习。






5.第四版新增500多个新词,如 hand-held, microblogging和phone hacking等;




Oxford Wordpower Dictionary is shortlisted for innovation in Learner Resource Award 20 presented by British Council.

At intermediate level, students want to build their vocabulary quickly. The Oxford Wordpower Dictionary gives them the tools they need to succeed.

It identifies the 3,000 most important words to know in English (the Oxford 3000™). These words are used as the defining vocabulary for the 45,000 words, phrases and meanings, so that explanations are easy to understand.

Each Oxford 3000™ word has a keyword entry, which often includes additional information to enable students to use and understand this essential vocabulary.

The 250 illustrations make it easier to understand difficult or confusing words, and build vocabulary. New Exam Tips help with exam preparation. Writing Tips and the new 16-page Oxford Writing Tutor develop writing skills. Help Notes provide information to help students avoid errors.

16 colour pages illustrate words in topic groups such as work and jobs, leisure activities, clothes, and include “more to explore” boxes which direct students to related information in the dictionary.

NEW 16-page Writing Tutor shows students how to plan an essay, article, review, letter and email. There is a model for each type of task, highlighting key structures and relevant language, and giving advice on how learners can correct and improve their own writing.

48 Study Pages include a grammar guide and other reference material, as well as help with pronunciation, punctuation and vocabulary-learning. Wordpower Workout, a 14-page section of activities to help students get the most from their dictionary, is also included.

This edition includes more than 500 new words, for example, hand-held, microblogging and phone hacking. New Topic Notes provide information and related vocabulary on social networking, blogs, podcasts, etc. 30 New Exam Tips give practical help on such aspects as exam format, last-minute learning, and word limit.

Wordpower also includes tools to help students use words correctly, and to sound more natural:

14,400 collocations show words that go together

3,200 grammar patterns help students avoid mistakes such as tell to me/tell me

36,000 corpus-based examples show how words are used


Oxford University Press (OUP) is the largest university press in the world, and the second-oldest, after Cambridge University Press. It is a department of the University of Oxford and is governed by a group of 15 academics appointed by the Vice-Chancellor known as the Delegates of the Press. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.



Inside front cover Abbreviations, labels and symbols used in the dictionary缩写、标识及符号

iv Guide to the dictionary词典使用指南

vi phonetic spelling语音拼写

1-839 The Dictionary词典正文

Study section研习板块

WT1-WT16 Wordpower Writing Tutor写作指南

P1-P16 Colour pages彩页

R1-R41 Reference section参考章节

R42-R59 Wordpower Workout词汇拓展训练

R60 List of illustrations in the dictionary词典插图列表

R62 List of notes in the dictionary词典注释列表


