

  • 所属分类:图书 >历史>地方史志  
  • 作者:[王耀]
  • 产品参数:
  • 丛书名:--
  • 国际刊号:9787508535951
  • 出版社:五洲传播出版社
  • 出版时间:2017-02
  • 印刷时间:2017-02-01
  • 版次:1
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:--
  • 纸张:轻型纸
  • 包装:平装-胶订
  • 套装:


《丝路撷珍:舆图世界中的新疆故事》立足于清代新疆舆图,图文并茂地讲述新疆历史故事,内容涉及乾隆皇帝、香妃、笑幻道人、凯瑟琳夫人、瑞典传教士、关帝庙、格登山碑等。通俗的语言、扎实的考证、稀见的古地图、独特的视角,带您走入色彩斑斓的真实新疆。 The Anecdotes of the Silk Road: The Xinjiang Story in the World of Ancient Maps based on the Xinjiang Maps in Qing Dynasty, illustrates the history of Xinjiang, involving the Emperor Qianlong, Xiang Fei, Mrs. Macartney, Xiao Huan Taoist, Swedish missionaries, Guan Yu Temple, the Monument in Gedeng Mountain and so on. By popular language, solid research, rare ancient maps and the unique perspective, this book will take you into the colorful real Xinjiang.


天山、大漠、绿洲、塔里木河、胡杨树……在这片瑰丽的土地上,那些古人是如何生活的?那些古庙是否曾香火鼎盛?那些古籍是如何写就的?那些古地图中到底有什么秘密?香妃是否确有其人?遥远的喀什为什么会唱起瑞典民歌?想知道这些往事,那您不妨看看这本“图书”。拨开层层迷雾,如侦探般细查古人留下的蛛丝马迹,逐步拼凑、还原直至接近历史的真相,这是进行古今对话的有趣探索。世间百态,林林总总,在这新疆故事里鲜活起来。 Mt. Tianshan, desert, oasis, the Tarim River, Populus… In this magnificent land, how did the ancients live? Have those ancient temples seen their incense heyday? How were those ancient books written? What are the secrets of those ancient maps? Who was Xiang Fei? Why did the people in Kashgar sing Swedish folk songs? If you want to know the answers, please read this illustrated book.


王耀,1982年生,山东日照人,北京大学历史系历史地理学硕士,中国社科院中国边疆所历史学博士。目前任职于中国社科院民族所新疆研究室,助理研究员,主要从事中国传统舆图与新疆历史研究,已出版专著《水道画卷:清代京杭大运河舆图研究》,并在《文献》《中国国家博物馆馆刊》《故宫博物院院刊》《历史档案》等期刊上发表十余篇学术论文。 Wang Yao, born in 1982, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, Master of Historical Geography in the Department of History in Peking University, Doctor of History in Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS). The author is currently working in the Xinjiang Research Office in the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, CASS, majoring in the Chinese ancient maps and the history of Xinjiang. He has published the monograph The Painted Maps of the Grand Canal: A Study of the Ancient Maps of the Grand Canal in Qing Dynasty, and more than 10 academic papers in the journals such as The Documentation, Journal of National Museum of China, Palace Museum Journal, Historical Archives and so on.


及时章 舆图与皇权乾隆皇帝、传教士与新疆大地测量远嫁皇帝的西域女人:满身溢香的嫔妃与她的传奇清内阁大库藏《哈密图》的坎坷身世第二章 舆图与士人张穆、《西域舆图》及士人交游满洲人西游记:七十一与《西域闻见录》不只是汉代西域故事:李光廷与《汉西域图考》笑幻道人、庚戌年、奸商与《新疆地舆总图》第三章 舆图与洋人异域百态:凯瑟琳夫人眼中的喀什噶尔“秦尼巴克”与它的主人一组字母背后的故事:恒慕义与美国国会图书馆藏《新疆全图》第四章 舆图与信仰义士的大地勋章:戍卒黄桂芳与新疆“方神庙”“神佑新疆”:天山南北的关帝庙种瓜得豆、种豆得瓜:喀什噶尔的瑞典传教团第五章 舆图与民族八旗西戍:天山南北的猛士锡伯族西迁:我为皇帝守西陲土尔扈特东归:从伏尔加河到开都河的蒙古马队第六章 舆图与地理点将台:清代新疆城市图谱双城记:阿克苏的新城与旧城跨越西天山的苍凉古道——记《进呈伊犁由那林河草地至喀什噶尔图说》永恒是什么:《新疆全图》中的帝国丰碑后 记


