学乐英语阅读测试 小学六年级 英文版图书

学乐英语阅读测试 小学六年级 英文版

学乐成功系列练习册 大开本 图文并茂


Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards. For use with Grade 6.



Scholastic Success With Reading Tests《学乐英语阅读测试》是美国学乐教育集团(Scholastic)编写的一套配合小学三到六年级的阅读测试题,用于提高孩子的英语阅读技巧及阅读理解能力。每册书含15组测试题,每组有5篇短文且每篇短文均辅以3-4道理解练习题,做完阅读题后另设置有词汇练习。这套书共包括4册,既适合学校老师作为英语补充练习,也可供家长在家辅导孩子自学。

本册书为Scholastic Success With Reading Tests 6《学乐英语阅读测试 六年级》。


1. 学乐“成功”系列练习册,内容具有针对性、操作性、趣味性;

2. 内容编排循序渐进,由浅入深,逐步提高孩子的英语阅读能力;

3. 选材广泛,涉及历史、文化、科学等内容,符合孩子的心理特点和兴趣;

4. 英文原版,图文并茂,大开本,附答案。

The Scholastic Success With Reading Tests series is designed to help you help students succeed on standardized tests. In this workbook for third grade, the 15, four-page test are culled from the reading skills practice tests provided three times a year to Scholastic News Edition 3 subscribers, with some new and revised material. By familiarizing children with the skills, language, and formats they will encounter on state and national test, these practice tests will boost confidence and help raise scores.

The questions supporting each test are specifically designed to review the following skills:

Finding the Main Idea

Reading for Detail

Understanding Vocabulary

Making Inferences


Understanding Cause and Effect

Understanding Author’s Purpose

Understanding Fact and Opinion




每年,学乐发行超过3亿2千万册图书,使用45种不同语言,畅销150个国家和地区。学乐不仅出版了迄今为止非常畅销的儿童书籍Harry Potter《哈利•波特》和Hunger Game《饥饿游戏》系列,更为全世界儿童带来众多在国际上屡获殊荣的图书。其中包括著名的I SPY《视觉大发现》、Clifford the Big Red Dog《大红狗克里夫系列丛书》、Goosebumps《鸡皮疙瘩》、Magic School Bus《神奇校车》等。

Scholastic was founded in 1920 as a single classroom magazine. Today, Scholastic books and educational materials are in tens of thousands of schools and tens of millions of homes worldwide, helping to Open a World of Possible for children across the globe.


Reading Skills Practice Test 1

Reading Skills Practice Test 2

Reading Skills Practice Test 3

Reading Skills Practice Test 4

Reading Skills Practice Test 5

Reading Skills Practice Test 6

Reading Skills Practice Test 7

Reading Skills Practice Test 8

Reading Skills Practice Test 9

Reading Skills Practice Test 10

Reading Skills Practice Test 11

Reading Skills Practice Test 12

Reading Skills Practice Test 13

Reading Skills Practice Test 14

Reading Skills Practice Test 15

Answer Key


