《中国舞台上的塞缪尔·贝克特 跨文化戏剧演出研究(1964-2011)》分7章,以各地不同时期的十余个典型贝克特戏剧演出案例为对象,通过还原表演的社会历史语境,考察其演出动机、编演策略、演出效果与各历史阶段不同侧重点之间的呼应关系,并借此说明:这些演出拓宽了贝克特戏剧在非欧美文化中的阐释可能,同时也反映了中国导演、演员借贝克特所表达的、具有鲜明时代和本土特征的思考,而这也是贝克特作品在中国始终与时俱进,久演不衰的重要原因之一。
长期以来,国内外贝克特批评界往往重文本而轻表演,即译介历史和文本研究做得比较详细,而对戏剧的实践维度关注不足,导致演出研究成果较少,也无法说明为什么一个典型的西方荒诞派作家会成为汉语舞台久演不衰的经典,《中国舞台上的塞缪尔·贝克特 跨文化戏剧演出研究(1964-2011)》通过详细的例证在此方面弥补了相关研究的缺憾。
Textual Notes
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Literature Review of International Beckett Criticism
1.2 Literature Review of Chinese Beckett Criticism
Chapter Two Theorizing Chinese Beckett Performance
2.1 Boundary Crossing: Beckett as Cultural Translation
2.2 "Other" Becketts in Intercultural Theater
2.3 Acting Beckett from the Marginal
Chapter Three Political Beckett: First Trials
3.1 Icebreaker: Gao Xingjian and Chezhan
3.2 Meng Jinghui: Angry Young Men Waiting for Godot
3.3 The Premature Godot: Premiere of Theater Quarterly
Chapter Four Beckett as Postmodern Laboratory
4.1 The Waiting of Three Sisters: A Chan Collage
4.2 "Mo lei tau" Beckett: What if Godot Comes?
4.3 Moveable Feast: Beckett in Ancient Chinese Gardens
Chapter Five Gendered Beckett in Consumerism Culture
5.1 Only Bored Women Waiting for Godot?
5.2 "Hard Man" and Woman Godot
5.3 Minnan Endgame: Gendered Consumption
Chapter Six Co-produced Beckett: Negotiating "Authority
6.1 "Beckett Workshop" as Empowering Site
6.2 Western Experience: Enlightenment or Domination in
Chapter Seven Can the Indigenous Act Back?
7.1 Performing Beckett, Reforming Jingiu
7.2 Beckett Danced on Chinese Stage
7.3 Dialogue with the Masters
Works Cited