

传统的入侵检测和日志分析已经不足以保护今天的复杂网络。在这本实用指南里, 安全研究员Michael Collins为你展示了多个采集和分析网络流量数据集的技术和工具。你将理解你的网络是如何被利用的以及有哪些必要手段...
  • 所属分类:图书 >计算机/网络>信息安全  
  • 作者:(美)[柯林]著
  • 产品参数:
  • 丛书名:--
  • 国际刊号:9787564150075
  • 出版社:东南大学出版社
  • 出版时间:2014-10
  • 印刷时间:2014-10-01
  • 版次:1
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:--
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 包装:平装
  • 套装:


传统的入侵检测和日志分析已经不足以保护今天的复杂网络。在这本实用指南里, 安全研究员Michael Collins为你展示了多个采集和分析网络流量数据集的技术和工具。你将理解你的网络是如何被利用的以及有哪些必要手段来保护和改善它。




Preface PartⅠ.Data 1.Sensors and Detectors: An Introduction Vantages: How Sensor Placement Affects Data Collection Domains: Determining Data That Can Be Collected Actions: What a Sensor Does with Data Conclusion 2.Network Sensors Network Layering and Its Impact on Instrumentation Network Layers and Vantage Network Layers and Addressing Packet Data Packet and Frame Formats Rolling Buffers Limiting the Data Captured from Each Packet Filtering SpeciFic Types of Packets What Iflt's Not Ethernet? NetFlow NetFlow v5 Formats and Fields NetFlow Generation and Collection Further Reading 3.Host and Service Sensors: Logging Traffic at the Source Accessing and Manipulating LogFiles The Contents of Logfiles The Characteristics of a Good Log Message Existing Logflles and How to Manipulate Them Representative Logflle Formats HTTP: CLF and ELF SMTP Microsoft Exchange: Message Tracking Logs Logfile Transport: Transfers,Syslog,and Message Queues Transfer and Logfrle Rotation Syslog Further Reading 4.Data Storage for Analysis: Relational Databases,Big Data,and Other Options Log Data and the CRUD Paradigm Creating a Well—Organized Flat File System: Lessons from SiLK A Brieflntroduction to NoSQL Systems What Storage Approach to Use Storage Hierarchy,Query Times,and Aging PartⅡ.Tools 5.The SiLK Suite What Is SiLK and How Does It Work? Acquiring and Installing SiLK The DataFiles Choosing and Formatting Output Field Manipulation: rwcut Basic Field Manipulation: rwfrlter Ports and Protocols Size IP Addresses Time TCP Options Helper Options Miscellaneous Filtering Options and Some Hacks rwfileinfo and Provenance Combining Information Flows: rwcount rwset and IP Sets rwuniq rwbag Advanced SiLK Faalities pmaps Collecting SiLK Data YAF rwptoflow rwtuc Further Reading 6.An Introduction to R for Security Analysts Installation and Setup Basics of the Language The R Prompt R Variables Writing Functions Conditionals and Iteration Using the R Workspace Data Frames Visualization Visualization Commands Parameters to Visualization Annotating a Visualization ExportingVisualization Analysis: Statistical Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing Testing Data Further Reading 7.Classification and Event Tools: IDS,AV,and SEM How an IDS Works Basic Vocabulary Classifler Failure Rates: Understanding the Base—Rate Fallacy Applying ClassiFication Improving IDS Performance Enhancing IDS Detection Enhanang IDS Response Prefetching Data Further Reading 8.Reference and Lookup: Tools for Figuring Out Who Someone ls MAC and Hardware Addresses IP Addressing IPv4 Addresses,Theu Structure,and Significant Addresses IPv6 Addresses,Their Structure and Significant Addresses Checking Connectivity: Using ping to Connect to an Address Tracerouting IP Intelligence: Geolocation and Demographics DNS DNS Name Structure Forward DNS Querying Using dig The DNS Reverse Lookup Using whois to Find Ownership Additional Reference Tools DNSBLs 9.More Tools Visualization Graphviz Communications and Probing netcat nmap Scapy Packet Inspection and Reference Wireshark GeoIP The NVD,Malware Sites,and the CEs Search Engines,Mailing Lists,and People Further Reading PartⅢ.Analytics 10.Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization The Goal of EDA: Applying Analysis EDA Workflow Variables and Visualization Univariate Visualization: Histograms,QQ Plots,Boxplots,and Rank Plots Histograms Bar Plots(Not Pie Charts) The Quantile—Quantile(QQ)Plot The Five—Number Summary and the Boxplot Generating a Boxplot Bivariate Description Scatterplots Contingency Tables Multivariate Visualization Operationalizing Security Visualization Further Reading 11.On Fumbling Attack Models Fumbling: Misconfiguration,Automation,and Scanning Lookup Failures Automation Scanning Identifying Fumbling TCP Fumbling: The State Machine ICMP Messages and Fumbling Identifying UDP Fumbling Fumbling at the Service Level HTTP Fumbling SMTP Fumbling Analyzing Fumbling Building Fumbling Alarms Forensic Analysis of Fumbling Engineering a Network to Take Advantage of Fumbling Further Reading 12.Volume and Time Analysis The Workday and Its Impact on Network Traffic Volume Beaconing File Transfers/Raiding Locality DDoS,Flash Crowds,and Resource Exhaustion DDoS and Routing Infrastructure Applying Volume and Locality Analysis Data Selection Using Volume as an Alarm Using Beaconing as an Alarm Using Locality as an Alarm Engineering Solutions Further Reading 13.Graph Analysis Graph Attributes: What Is a Graph? Labeling,Weight,and Paths Components and Connectivity Clustering Coeffiaent Analyzing Graphs Using Component Analysis as an Alarm Using Centrality Analysis for Forensics Using Breadth—First Searches Forensically Using Centrality Analysis for Engineering Further Reading 14.Application Identification Mechanisms for Application Identification Port Number Application Identiflcation by Banner Grabbing Application Identification by Behavior Application Identification by Subsidiary Site Application Banners: Identifying and Classifying Non—Web Banners Web Client Banners: The User—Agent String Further Reading 15.Network Mapping Creating an Initial Network Inventory and Map Creating an Inventory: Data,Coverage,and Files Phase Ⅰ: The First Three Questions Phase Ⅱ: Examining the IP Space Phase Ⅲ: Identifying Blind and Confusing Traffic Phase Ⅳ: Identifying Clients and Servers Identifying Sensing and Blocking Infrastructure Updating the Inventory: Toward Continuous Audit Further Reading Index




2017-06-30 14:39:19

