1.AIM AND SCOPE:The aim of Nuclear Science and Techniques (NST) is to stimulate cross-fertilization of knowledge among scientists and engineers working in the fields of nuclear research. NST publishes theoretical and experimental studies in all aspects of nuclear science and technology.
2.Research articles should be comprehensive reports of original, significant, and complete results or conclusions.
3.Reviews should be concise, complete, critical evaluations of the existing state of knowledge on a particular facet of science or technology within the scope of the journal and are written only at the invitation of the Editorial Board.
4.Colloquium Papers are reports of scientific colloquia held under Academy auspices.
5.Title: Titles should be no more than three typeset lines (generally 135 characters including spaces) and should be comprehensible to a broad scientific audience.
6.Author affiliation: Include department, institution, and complete address, with the ZIP/postal code, for each author. Use superscripts to match authors with institutions.
7.Introduction: The Introduction should provide a statement outlining the motivation for the research and should accurately place the investigations in context with previous or current work in the field.
8.References: References must be in NST style. Only published or in-press papers and books may be cited in the reference list. Unpublished abstracts of papers presented at meetings or references to ‘‘data not shown’’ are not permitted. Each literature reference should be assigned one number and placed in the text as a superscript ;numeral.